
The paliotto (altar front) in decorated scagliola

Il paliotto in scagliola decorataOn the front of the altar table there is a paliotto, a liturgical item generally made of cloth or other precious material that in this case was made of scagliola decorated with a poor, atypical, rare but very distinguishing technique. Dedicated to Christ's baptism in the Jordan, it is executed in soft polychrome with an ornamental design of racemes of leaves, flowers , acorns, pomegranates, birds and insects surrounding two squares with rounded corners. Iconography, setting and the probable author refer to the paliotto of the church of Our Lady of Loreto in Barcaglione of Falconara, almost identical in style and, partly, in subject.

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published on 2023/01/25 15:18:30 GMT+1 last modified 2022-12-23T17:34:39+01:00

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